Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Skinny on The Art of Persuasion: How to Move Minds

The Skinny on The Art of Persuasion: How to Move Minds Review

Some call our books "eye candy for the brain," ... others like the term "minimalist magic" ... and still others describe our books as a "revolutionary reading experience." But whatever, people everywhere can't stop talking about The Skinny On books. The Skinny on the Art of Persuasion is about developing the skills to move minds. In this graphic, one-hour read you'll learn how to influence the thinking of others. You'll learn skills to increase your persuasiveness and eventually, your success at whatever endeavor you pursue!

"Who would have thought a book with stick-people illustrations could be so weighty? This one caught me completely off guard - tons of substance in a fun-filled, one-hour read. My highest recommendation!"
--Mike Goss, Managing Director, Bain Capital

"I'd heard about these Skinny books from a business colleague, so I decided to glance at the one on persuasion. Before I knew it, I had read and loved the whole book. I heartily recommend it no matter how persuasive you think you already are."
--Ken Solomon, CEO/Chairman, The Tennis Channel

"These books kick rears and take names. Using entertaining writing, stick figure drawings and a comic book style layout, they use simple stories to quickly convey valuable information ... Highly recommended. Author Jim Randel has created one of the best, most interesting series I've seen in a very long time."
--Mercury News, The Newspaper of Silicon Valley

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